Five Rivers is getting a complete overhaul of their HVAC system in all buildings, so they will not be able to host any meetings or events during January and February. Also, they will not host any meetings on March 5th due to Mardi Gras. Rather than trying to reschedule, I have opted to cancel the March meeting and resume monthly meetings in April. The next meeting will be April 2, 2019 at 7pm. See you then. Safe paddling!
December Meeting
In celebration of Christmas and the year end, we will have our annual pot-luck during our regular monthly meeting on December 4th at 7pm in the Longleaf room of Delta Hall / Five Rivers Delta Resource Center. Everyone is welcome. I (Tracy) will bring a covered dish to share and all the paper products. Everyone should bring a covered dish or snack to share and their own drinks (non-alcoholic). Everyone is welcome!
During our meeting, we will make plans for next year's meetings, and we will have a mini-slideshow presentation and are seeking volunteers from someone who is interested in giving a presentation/slideshow. If you are interested in presenting, contract Tracy at