January Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 4 at Five Rivers in the Delta Hall. Nancy Milford,MBCKC member, will be conducting the January meeting. Nancy has arranged for Leslie Lassiter, CPESC, Environmental Manager for the City of Foley to speak about Foley's Graham Creek Nature Preserve and the outdoor opportunities it provides.
December Meeting Notes
Russ Lea shared his very entertaining and humorous adventures on the Bowron Lakes of British Columbia with clubmembers at December's meeting. The photo show was beautiful! Thank you Russ for sharing with us!
General Notes:
I am looking for volunteers to host/conduct the monthly meetings during this new year. Please contact me if you would like to 'be in charge' of a meeting next year. Tracy Lannie tracy@thelannies.us or 463-4233
Upcoming Events and Paddles
Please check the calendar frequently for new paddle postings. Paddles currently posted or soon to be posted are:
Friday, Dec 31 - Gene Boothe's "Last Sunset" Paddle