Paddle Nov. 3rd
Place: Cloverleaf Landing up to McVays, down to Blakeley and back
Date: Nov 3, Saturday
Fritz Ingraham: 680.8928 cell; 928.4568 hm
Time: Meet at Bruno's in Spanish Fort at 8:30 a.m.
Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced
This is the previously announced Upper Delta Paddle that has been changed to Lower Delta due to the possibility of winter water (low water due to north winds) in the Bayous of the Upper Delta.
As there is another paddle that has just been announced for this day, we suggest those wishing for an easy paddle to go on the other one, those wishing to go on a faster paced, longer paddle to go with Fritz. It's great to have choices, isn't it?
Bring usual safety equipment, water, snacks or light lunch. Duration could be 4-6 hours.
Call if you are coming - you never know when the paddle leader may change location, and if he doesn't have your phone number, you won't be able to be notified!