!!!!!!!!MEETING REMINDER!!!!!!!!
The next meeting of the Mobile Bay Canoe and Kayak Club will be on Tuesday, July 5, 2005 at 7:00 p.m., at the Fairhope Yacht Club. Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month, same time, same place. After the usual club business of reporting on and scheduling upcoming paddles, our guest speaker will be Amy King, Public Education & Outreach Coordinator, State of AL, Conservation and Natural Resources, State Lands Division. Her presentation will be on the Bartram Canoe Trail AND a brief on the yet to be completed, but upcoming Orange Beach Canoe Trail.
Also available for member perusal, will be a hard copy two-volume set of the Main Pass Energy Hub LNG Deepwater Port Draft Environmental Impact Statement. As posted earlier, an informational public comment meeting will be held on July 18th in Grand Bay about this proposed action.