Juniper Creek, Milton, FL
Date: Saturday, July 2, 2005
Time: 9:30 AM
Place: Meet at the Subway/gas station on the corner of Rt. 191 and 87 in Milton.
Directions: Take I-10 to the first Milton/Garcon Point exit. This is the first exit after the single lane Pensacola bridge. Go left/north a few miles to route 90. Go east/right on rt. 90 until intersection of 90/87 in Milton. Go north/left and a short distance on the right will be the intersection of 87/191 and the subway/gas station. We will caravan to the take-out and set up the shuttle to the put-in.
Contact: Gary Worob 850-259-9337 (cell)
Comments: We will drive to take out at Indian Ford Road and load equipment from vehicles to main vehicles and drive to put-in. If you are early, your vehicle will be at the take-out when you get there. Don't be late to the meeting spot. Trip time will be from 3-5 hours depending on your speed. Bring: sunscreen, lunch and plenty to drink, something to share, we all love that, swimming things and something to paddle as well as a paddle, friends, family and perhaps a hat. Last year we had inflatable kayaks. I would not recommend this again, at least the very inexpensive kind. It is a long walk if your boat deflates.
Trip skill level: this is easy to moderate with some twisting in the upper section depending on water levels. The scenery and river are dynamic with white sandy bottom, clear water and white beaches along most of the river. This is a real great swimming and paddling adventure.
Make sure to call Gary Saturday AM before you drive over to make sure the trip is still on.