Don't forget the meeting tonight!!! 7 pm, Fairhope Yacht Club!!!
Should be a good program!!!
- - - Announcement - - -
Dear Paddlers,
In the next month Tom Foote (the southeastern rep from Current Designs) and myself are planning on coming to Mobile Bay for an on-the-water demo and roll class. Tom will bring a wide selection of kayaks from Current Designs for everyone to try out and I will be holding an "off the water" roll class using my roll cage.
This roll class is a great way to master your roll or learn a new roll with out getting wet or the disorientation that comes from being upside down in the water. Because of this you can take your time and "think" each step of the roll through. As well, you won't need to wear any neoprene or cold weather gear. The attachment enclosed will give you an idea how the cage works. If you can't open the attachment, please go to my web site at www.theseakayaker.com for more info.
What we need from the paddling community there on Mobile Bay is an idea of how many people would be interested in attending this demo/roll class. The boat demo is free and, if you choose to take the roll class, cost for the class is $30. If there is enough interest we will be there, on the Bay in Fairhope, to
accommodate every paddler. We are also looking at several other locations along the Gulf Cost to have this demo but Mobile Bay is our first choice.
Please help us out by emailing me of your interest in the event!
"See you on the water!!"
The Sea Kayaker
Sea Kayak Adventures
Guided Tours, Instruction & Rentals
Tony Kramer
Webmaster's Note: I can't get the images Tom included to paste into Blogger. Don't know if Blogger blocks them or if I am not doing it right. Please go to the web site mentioned above, scroll down a bit, look on the left, and click on "Winter Roll Classes" to view the images.