To post information to this website or for further information about this website, just ask Tracy at
Current Club Coordinator: Tracy Lannie
MBCKC would like to express our appreciation to 5 Rivers and it's staff for all they do.

Disclaimer: This site provides general information & links on topics of paddling. Paddlesports can pose serious risks of damage to personal property & serious bodily injury including permanent disability & death. Anyone participanting in any MBCKC event or participating in any event mentioned on this website does so at their own risk and agrees to hold MBCKC harmless from any liability as a result of such participation or use of information contained herein.

Thursday, December 11, 2003

- - - Out of the Water Roll Classes - - -

Tony Kramer write us :

I will be holding my out of the water roll class on Friday Jan. 2nd around 1 pm at the park just up from the American Legion and Gambino's in Fairhope, AL on Scenic 98. You will be able to park at the American Legion or at the boat ramp. I am going to try to set up around the boat ramp area. Bring your boat if you want to try and get your roll down in the water. Bring a friend as well! Cost for the roll class is just $30.00.

For more info on the class go to my web site: or email me at:

Then on Saturday the 3rd I will be leading a small group to Sand Island Lighthouse. Leave Fairhope for Fort Morgan around 8am. The trip will be against the tide on the way out and if the surf is up at Dixie Bar we will do some surf work. Anyone who wants to paddle is welcome!

"See you on the water!!"

The Sea Kayaker
Sea Kayak Adventures
Guided Tours, Instruction & Rentals
Tony Kramer

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

- - - Fowl River Boat Parade - - -
Marilyn Craig writes us:

I live on Fowl River just down from the marina. If the weather is good on Sat. I'd be happy for anyone wishing to paddle a few minutes up river to see the boat parade and then return. I have a pretty good spot to put in and plenty of parking space. If food and booze sweeten the deal I'll also make some hot chilli and cold beer for after the parade. If the weather is too bad to paddle you can see the parade from the marina or I'll call friends and see if I can get us an invite to their pier. Boats come by the marina about 6:30pm. Marilyn Craig: Home 973-0129, Cell 605-6453 Give me a call if you are interested and I can give directions.


General Information:

1. Our monthly meetings are held the first Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. at the Fairhope Yacht Club. Anybody and everybody is welcome to attend. There is no charge. The typical meeting lasts two hours. We start with a review of the previous month's paddles, continue with plans for and announcements of paddles for the next month, and end with a presentation. Presentations may include slide shows of past paddling trips by club members, member reviews of paddling gear, and safety and skills presentations.

2. If you e-mail a request to, Julie will put you on the club's e-mail list. You will receive a monthly newsletter, which includes a calendar of events, and e-mail notices of "flash paddles" i.e., club paddles that are planned and announced on short notice. (If you used to be on Gene's e-mail list for the club and are wondering why you suddenly stopped receiving club e-mails, it's because Gene's e-mail list was suddenly and unexpectedly destroyed by his computer. You need to "re-subscribe" by e-mailing Julie, if you want to get on the new e-mail list for the club.)

3. We regularly post "want ads" for individuals seeking and selling used boats. E-mail a description of the boat desired or for sale (type, make, model, length, weight, age, condition, accessories included, etc.) to Julie at and she will post your "want ad" to this website and e-mail it to the club membership in the next regular club e-mailing.

4. We are a group of people who enjoy paddling and sharing our experiences with others. We are not a formal organization. There are no dues, no application forms, no membership lists. All you have to do to "join" our "club" is show up at a paddle, come to a meeting, or just decide you're a member.

5. Our intention is for safety to always be the first priority. It is up to each individual to decide for him/herself whether the paddling conditions for each event are within their enjoyment and skill range. Everyone must be responsible for their decision whether to participate in each event. The coordinator of the paddle should be able to assist with information on the expected paddle conditions. However, always remember that the weather and other conditions can, and quite often do, change both quickly and dramatically. (In other words, paddle at your own risk.)

6. You should always contact the trip coordinator for any paddling trip to let them know if you plan to attend. If they don't know you are coming, trip leaders cannot contact you with changes in plans or cancellations, and you may find yourself waiting alone in a parking lot while the rest of us are off having fun somewhere else.

7. What should you bring? You should bring a PFD and drinking water on every paddle. You should also bring whatever you think you'll need in the way of snacks or meals, if anything. If we will be on the water after dark, you are required by law to bring a single, white light. (But don't turn it on unless you need it for safety and/or the trip leader tells you to. White lights ruin night vision.) We also appreciate paddlers who choose to carry a trash bag to collect litter along the way. They make it nicer for everyone.


Contact list and links:

If you would like to subscribe to the club e-mail list, or if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about this website, please e-mail Julie at

Click here to go to the website of the West Florida Canoe Club.

Click here to go to the website for the Bartram Canoe Trail.

Click here to go the website for the U.S. Geological Survey, where you can download free maps.

Click here to go to the MBCAKC's archive of "trip reports" on past paddles. This website ranges from the informative to the poetic, and sometimes includes links to maps. You are encouraged to submit trip reports of whatever genre, as well as your favorite links.


Reminder: Permit for Boiling Creek

A current permit is required to paddle Boiling Creek in Eglin Air Force Base. The permits are good from 1 October to 30 September. They cost $5.00. (You get a map with the permit that is worth more than the fee.)

Request the Recreational Permit, which is the one for paddling. You can get the permit from one of the gates or by mail. Permits may be obtained from the Jackson Guard Office (Natural Resources Branch), located at Highway 85 North, Niceville FL 32578 (850) 882-4164. The mailing address is:

Eglin Natural Resources Branch

107 Highway 85 North

Niceville, FL 32578

For each permit requested, send a photocopy of either a driver's license or other identification card (e.g., passport) which contains a photograph, your full name, current address (including zip code), current phone number, and date of birth. Specify the type of permit (recreational) desired.

As an alternative to a photo-i.d., you can send last year's permit, if you have one.

Be prepared to wait three weeks for delivery (although recent turn-arounds have been only a few days). Payments can be by personal check, money order, or cashiers check made payable to DFAS-LI Eglin AFB. Cash is not accepted.

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

- - - December Meeting Notes - - -
Re: county parks

We had a full room at the Yacht club for the December meeting with 29 club members attending a presentation by Cara Stallman and Stan Arbaczauskas of the Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Department. They brought us some good news:
- A new park on Tensaw Lake will be opening soon. This is a 400 acre tract, which includes wetlands for conservation, acquired in August.
- The bike trail on Scenic 98 will be extended from Montrose to Point Clear starting in January.

They also gave us a little bad news - the land around Reeder Lake is slated for development into an 1,800 unit subdivision

They gave their Powerpoint presentation telling us about county parks, categories and management goals for improving what we have. They showed us Geographic Information System products and brought sample maps with them. They have the capability of producing a map on a few days request for any area in the county. They can make a paper product or a PDF file for e-mail.

The summary of county assets includes 4 beach front parks of an acre or more, 11 boat launches, 16 conservation parks, 6 cultural resource parks (ever see a dipping vat?), 7 multi-recreational parks and 113 Right of Way accesses.

They have requested from us comment on identifying those right of way access points that have good parking. If you have comments about the right of way accesses, or any questions about parks and public lands, you may reach them:

Cara L. Stallman Senior Natural Resource Planner, (251) 580-1655 ext. 7255

Stan Arbaczauskas, Natural Resource Planner, (251) 580-1655 ext. 7251

-Bruce Zimmerman

- - - December Paddle Calendar v1.0 - - -
by Bruce Zimmerman

December Big Boy Challenge
When: Sat., Dec. 6, 2003
Time: 2:00 p.m.
Place: Fairhope Yacht Club
Contact: Larry McDuff; 928-1582
What: A short event combining kayaking, running (or walking) and biking.

Format: Teams of two will share a bicycle and a kayak over a loop course. One team member will start in the kayak paddling north on Mobile Bay and up Rock Creek to the upper limits of navigation. Leaving the kayak on the right bank, head on a trail a short distance upstream and cross a log bridge, continue about a mile north on the trail to Third Street near the Montrose Cemetery. Pick up your team's bike, continue north on Third Street, turning left where it deadends into Gabel, then left again on Scenic 98, following it to Volanta and the Yacht Club.

The other team member will start on the bicycle, leaving on Volanta, turning left at the light and bearing left on Scenic 98 to Montrose. Then turn right on Gabel and right again on Third Street. Leave your bike just inside the woods where the trail intersects Third Street past the cemetery. Run south on the trail, Crossing Rock Creek on the log bridge and continuing downstream until you reach your team's kayak. Paddle downstream to the bay, turn left and return to the yacht club.

Please form your own teams. a little planning is required to share a kayak, bike, paddle, PFD and possibly a spray skirt and jackets or other warm clothing which may be needed on the bike and the kayak but not on the run. Call Larry McDuff at 928-1582 if you need a partner.

The run course will be sparsely marked with surveyors tape. If you just want to watch the action we could use some help in the transition areas pointing people in the right direction. Call Larry.

Full Moon Paddle
Bob will be leading a full moon paddle. Stay tuned to the website, for information.

Alligator Bayou Slacker Paddle
Time: TBD
Date: weather dependent. Announced by Flash paddle.
Place: Put in at Seminole Boat Launch. Paddle down the Perdido River.
Contact: Frank Laraway 945-5504
Comment: This area is slated for development. Visit it before it goes away.

Christmas on the Bayou
Date: Sun., Dec 21, 2003,
Time: 12:00 noon
Place: Bruno's in Spanish Fort
Contact: Matt Darring; 343-1196 or 341-1669; e-mail:
Comments: Paddle on Hurricane Bayou. Christmas decorations required. Recommend decorating boat and paddler at Hurricane Bayou. Launch fee $3.00

Last Sunset Paddle
Date: Wed., Dec. 31, 2003
Time: 4:30 p.m.
Place: Fairhope Yacht Club
Contact: Gene Boothe; 928-1107; e-mail:
Comments: Paddle out from the beach, drink a toast to the past year at sunset,
which is just after 5:00 p.m. BYOB.

Hangover Paddle - First Paddle of the New Year
Date: Thurs., Jan. 1, 2004
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Place: Fairhope Yacht Club
Contact: Steve Delker 928-7342
Comment: Paddle south, seek brunch. Return.

Tuesday, December 02, 2003


Don't forget the meeting tonight!!! 7 pm, Fairhope Yacht Club!!!
Should be a good program!!!

- - - Announcement - - -

Dear Paddlers,

In the next month Tom Foote (the southeastern rep from Current Designs) and myself are planning on coming to Mobile Bay for an on-the-water demo and roll class. Tom will bring a wide selection of kayaks from Current Designs for everyone to try out and I will be holding an "off the water" roll class using my roll cage.

This roll class is a great way to master your roll or learn a new roll with out getting wet or the disorientation that comes from being upside down in the water. Because of this you can take your time and "think" each step of the roll through. As well, you won't need to wear any neoprene or cold weather gear. The attachment enclosed will give you an idea how the cage works. If you can't open the attachment, please go to my web site at for more info.

What we need from the paddling community there on Mobile Bay is an idea of how many people would be interested in attending this demo/roll class. The boat demo is free and, if you choose to take the roll class, cost for the class is $30. If there is enough interest we will be there, on the Bay in Fairhope, to
accommodate every paddler. We are also looking at several other locations along the Gulf Cost to have this demo but Mobile Bay is our first choice.

Please help us out by emailing me of your interest in the event!


"See you on the water!!"

The Sea Kayaker
Sea Kayak Adventures
Guided Tours, Instruction & Rentals
Tony Kramer

Webmaster's Note: I can't get the images Tom included to paste into Blogger. Don't know if Blogger blocks them or if I am not doing it right. Please go to the web site mentioned above, scroll down a bit, look on the left, and click on "Winter Roll Classes" to view the images.